Period: Anatolian Seljuk
Century:13 th
Dimensions of the historical artifact: 29.5x38.9 sqm
Material: Cut Stone
"It is located in Tacettinveli District of Melikgazi District. The building, which was built as an inn for the accommodation of those outside the city walls, was converted into a mosque when the city overflowed the walls. It is an opinion accepted by researchers that this building, which does not have an inscription, is one of the early examples repeating the general inn scheme with its courtyard and closed part, which has not survived, and that it would be appropriate to date it to the first quarter of the 13th century, considering the development of the city and the architectural development of the inn structures.
The building is an inn leaning against the city walls from the southwest, with a rectangular plan in depth, with five landings and without a courtyard. The low arched door of the inn opens to the middle eye. When the mihrab of the mosque was placed in its place, this door was later canceled.
According to the inscription of the cupola section, also known as the Emir Cemaleddin Tanrıvermiş (Han Mosque) Cupola, the tomb was built in 584/1188-1189. Tomb; It has an octagonal body rising on a square pedestal, covered with a pointed dome from the inside and a pyramidal cone from the outside. The funeral floor was uncovered during the restoration work carried out in 1976. There are two sarcophagi inside the cupola."