Cupolas and Tombs

Abdurrahman Gazi Türbesi


Son güncelleme 1 yıl önce

Location: It is located in Kayseri Province, Bünyan District, Samağır Neighborhood.

History: During the period of Dulkadiroğulları Principality, Alaüddevle Bozkurt and Alaüddevle Şahrun Beys carried out some repair and reconstruction works around Kayseri. It is thought that the tomb was also built during this period.

Who Made It: Unknown

In Whom Name It Was Built: It is thought to belong to Samağar Noyan, one of the governors of İlhanlı and who gave the village its name.Who is Samağar Noyan: Samağar Noyan is an order sent to Anatolia by Abaka Khan in the years 1265-1277 as an Ilkhanid commander. Samağar Noyan ruled Anatolia in the 13th century on behalf of the Ilkhanate, with Kayseri being the center.

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Abdurrahman Gazi Türbesi

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