Location: It is located in the Battalaltı neighborhood of the Melikgazi district.

Date: XIV in terms of architecture. It is thought to have been made in the century.

Who Built it: It is known that it was built during the Eretna period. It is named so because it has four legs.

For Whom It Was Built: It is not known by whom it was built.

The work, which is in good condition, was restored in 2021. In terms of the plan type of this structure, which does not have an inscription, it is accepted that the tomb may have been built in the middle of the 14th century during the Eretna period.

The building, also known as Kırk Nisa, consists of two parts in the north-south direction. It has an iwan in the north and a baldachin style on four legs adjoining it in the south. The iwan is covered with a pointed barrel vault, and the baldachin is covered with a dome from the inside and an octagonal pyramidal cone from the outside. The iwan section was added to the baldaken section later. Although there is an inscription band on the skirt of the dome, the inscriptions are so damaged that they cannot be read. The destroyed dome of the structure was repaired during the repairs in 1977 and a cone was placed on it.

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