Location: It is located in Melikgazi District, Kılıçarslan neighborhood, in the park to the east of Melikgazi Municipality.

Date: It was built in H.751 (1350-1351).

Who Had It Built: Emir Ali had it done.

For Whom It Was Made:
There are two tombs with verses written on them inside the tomb. On the head stone of one of them; “This is the tomb of Ali, son of Omar, known as the late Blessed Emir Pişrev, may God have mercy on him”. Who is Emir Ali: There is no information about exactly who Emir Pişrev Ali is. Although the people of Kayseri know him as an amir of the Karamanoğulları, there is no definite information that the Karamanoğulları ruled over Kayseri.

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Emir Ali Türbesi

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